Sound and Lighting
Giving you a voice.

Eastern Audio has everything you need for your next show. Whether it’s for a stadium event or a large outdoor festival we have the latest in technology and the best in customer service, so place your confidence in us.
Equipment and services include:
- JBL Vertec 4888/4882 DPDA line array PA packages
- JBL VRX 932 LAP & 918 SP line array PA packages
- EAW KF850 / SB850 Systems
- Digico SD8 Digital Consoles
- Digico SD11 Digital Consoles
- Soundcraft Series V Consoles
- Sennheiser wireless in-ear monitor & microphone Systems
- AKG, Audio Technica, Countryman, Sennheiser & Shure Microphones
- Ashley, BSS, Klark, Lexicon, Roland, TC Electronic (Processing & Effects)
- ClearCom Systems
- and much much more….
Lighting & Staging
- GrandMA2 Light – Lighting Console
- Martin Moving Heads including MAC Aura, MAC 500, MAC 600, MAC 350 Entour, MAC 250 Entour
- LED Pars & Battens
- LED Drape
- 96k, 72k & 48k Dimming Packages
- Arkaos Stadium Pro Media Server
- Skytracker Promotional Search Light
- Arri lighting systems
- ETC Source Four fixtures
- Martin Atomic Strobes
- 8-Cell pro Cam Blinders
- Follow Spots, Hazers, Confetti Canons, Snow Machines & Lasers
- 16″ x 16″ Powder Coated Truss Systems
- Genie Lifts & CM Loadstar 1 Ton Motors
- Stageline SL250 24 x 32 Mobile Stage